Imagining a WordPress Greenfield

Just suppose, just for a moment, that you and I were tasked with creating something every bit as wonderful as the wonderful parts of WordPress, but starting with a (mostly) blank slate.

It’s the plugins

Well, one thing we have to get out of the way right away is what to do about the huge number of useful plugins that are the particular strength of the WordPress platform. Do we want to walk away from the ecommerce plugins, the learning management kits, the membership tools?

If we want our cake and the eating of it, we’ll have to reckon with the immutable fact that all of that stuff is written in PHP and it all runs on the server. There are no lambda plugins. There are no client-side plugins.

And it’s PHP. Some folks argue that PHP is antiquated, but I think that’s about fashion more than sense. It’s a fairly sophisticated language, performant, all that.

All JavaScript?

But as long as we’re declaring a fresh start, you’ve got to reckon with the hard truth that PHP doesn’t run on clients. Essentially, JavaScript is the only choice in that regard. And if you’re running JavaScript on the client, it makes life a lot easier to be running the same language up on the server.

If we change gears and use Node.js on the server, then the challenge is finding some way to continue using existing plugins.

I’ve turned this over and over in my mind. On the one hand, it seems pretty likely that a WordPress-specific translator could be built to turn plugins in Node.js plugins. If we do that, though, then we have to support all the action and filter hooks.

So, on the other hand, maybe what we want is to make it easy for plugin providers to rewrite their code bases anew. Assuming an approach that was generally similar to WordPress’s approach, developers would have a pretty good sense of how they should approach various tasks.

For example, you’d probably want get_current_user() to be getCurrentUser() and you’d probably want it to return a user ID. And you’d want to have roles and the roles would be collections of capabilities.

Post much?

That’s easy enough (maybe), but do we really want to commit to preserving the concept of everything being a post? We’d have to give that one some thought, but maybe the easiest way forward is to stick with posts and pages and custom posts and such.

There’s a lot of complexity in core, though, the inevitable result of organic growth over twenty years, and maybe we just carefully sort through and discard a lot of the baggage that still works but probably was never such a great idea. And maybe we tack on a new concept or two, like having a React-like routing system be the default.

But what we want is for WooCommerce defectors to have a straightforward sense of how to write a new and significantly more straightforward ecommerce solution. NewCommerce?

Astro adoption?

There’s another question to consider: given the complexity of building this sort of system, possibly the best way forward is to start with an existing system and then add on whatever stuff is needed to support critical plugin rewrites.

This is the line of thought that has landed me at the front door of the Astro community. If you’re unfamiliar with Astro, it does content sites, like our friend WordPress. And it’s server centric, like WordPress. But it’s also vastly newer and thus not yet covered in all those rustic barnacles.

It appears to have themes. It doesn’t, as far as I can tell, have plugins in the sense one has them in WordPress, but it seems at least conceivable that an interface to a plugin system could be created. It doesn’t have an in-built editor, but again, that seems like something that could be whipped up. Or, in a funny little twist, I feel pretty darned confident that the WordPress block editor could be pressed into service.

So I’m going to explore Astro. Not because I’m so convinced that the current troubles in the WordPress world are going to lead to WordPress falling apart, but because I think we all need to think about hedging our bets. And, frankly, because there may be better options out there in the blog-and-content-creation universe.

So, more to come on this. One clear takeaway, though, is that WordPress has built up an enormous and enormously useful ecosystem and feature set over the years. Leaving would be painful.

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