AI Coding and Context

It’s clear that the way to get code “as if you’d coded it yourself” is to include your coding in the context that your LLM is using. Cursor, which I’ve been experimenting with of late, gives you several layers of potential customized context, and I finally found a few minutes to explore how this works.

In case you’re wondering, Cursor is a new kid on the block and the documentation is correspondingly minimal. Note, though, that you can simply ask the AI for an explanation…

A screen clip where the AI is prompted about setting context and replies that it can't "directly help with Cursor's functionality"

Oops…actually it doesn’t include Cursor itself in its context. I’m not actually knocking this — it makes sense from a context management point of view.

how can it not know what it is?

Anyway, the basic idea is that there are some @keyword directives that allow you to include things in the context of the current chat (and, of course, different chats can and will use entirely different contexts.

So if you type @ in your chat window, you get a list of options that includes @folders, where it suggests the current working directory, but you can put anything you like in there, folder-wise. Interestingly, it will tell you if it doesn’t think you’ve picked useful files for context:

Looking at the code, I don't see any files that would be relevant to the user meta functionality we were discussing. The files shown are mostly block-related files from the pzdata plugin, containing JSON configurations, CSS styles, and asset dependencies.

To properly help with the user meta issue, we'd need to see:

The file where get_user_help_preference() is defined

The world inside an AI-powered IDE is a weird place, though. Consider, for example, that it was Cursor’s AI (channeling claude-3.5-sonnet) that wrote get_user_help_preference() in the first place.

For my own purposes, I want to be able to say, listen, when asked to add this or that capability or configuration to the program in question, please solve it using this algorithm, inside a function named according to this pattern, and invoking this function from this kind of callback.

Straight out of the box it seems pretty darned good at figuring out that it should follow your naming conventions (though I suspect this relies on your having been disciplined about following them yourself), but what about making it expect to be on the business end of a callback?

Intriguingly, there’s an @ directive for @docs. As is the case absolutely everywhere in the documentation, the explanation of what it does is pretty sparse: you can point it at the documentation for…whatever you like. They are assuming regular framework or library documentation, things like the docs for NextJS, but presumably you could try adding something like a coding standards document or rules like “make these changes by hooking the ‘init’ event and making this a callback function.”

I thought there might be a deeper dive into this in Cursor (the company)’s blog, but things are pretty sparse there, as well. That’s not a knock, either–these folks are busy making the donuts. It’s interesting to read their post of a year ago about the problems they hope Cursor will solve. The vast majority of what they’re taking on is, in one way or another, a question of managing context (or to put it another way, managing tokens).

Just to give this a preliminary once around, I created a file in my current project called instructions.txt:

If you are asked to create a function called "my_response()", make it a function that writes a short message to console.log.

No sooner had I saved this than it (because it was in the current working directory, which I’d included in its entirety) was picked up and my edit window was prompting an edit completion for the function header, but I could also use the “generate” option in the editor, where I asked for a function with the magic name:

a chat box asking for a function called "my response" and offering the complete function as an update.

It’s a trivial case to be sure, but oh my god does this seem promising.

(Final note: I don’t think I’ve ever used a meme GIF in my writing before. I don’t know what came over me.)

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