A Twin-Star Site Model

I don’t love the name, but I think the creator economy is a real-enough thing. There are at least a couple million creators on the web, I read somewhere, who make a living at it.

My impression is that they either go with something like Patreon or Substack as a way to platform themselves, or use Gumroad to sell things, or exist more or less entirely on YouTube, raking in the ad money. Maybe you can run your whole shop on Patreon (they’re introducing a community capability, founder Jack Conte even has a whole theory about how this makes sense and indeed, he does make some sense).

Creators and cobblers

It seems like most creators cobble both their online presence, the tools they use to manage that presence, and the back-end tools for accounting and stuff out of various pieces.

I suspect a lot of time gets wasted in the cobbling and the learning involved with these tools. Fact of the matter is, for most creators, they typical tools are just way to feature rich and, as a result, complex.

I’m not a creator in the sense that I’m talking about in this post, but I have done some of my own cobbling, enough to notice that, for instance, Quickbooks is just way, way, way more capability than I need, because all I need is to send out and track a few client invoices. And at nearly $40 a month for Quickbooks, I’m paying way too much for the privilege of letting them email my invoice forms.

So I’m dropping Quickbooks in the new year and the general plan is to eat my own dog food. (I hate that expression, I think because I find life analogies that use food inherently coarse. But I can’t think of a better alternative–send help.) I’ll use PeakZebra to knock out a dead-simple invoicing system.


Whatever I pull together using PeakZebra, my plan is to evolve PeakZebra to support a “twin site” scenario where one site (PeakZebra.com) is the public facing site and another site (PeakZebra.something_else, presumably) will handle the back end things.

This means that some elements will reside on the front-facing site, things like newsletter signup forms, to pick the simplest example. But when that signup form is submitted, it will be sent via an API call to the PeakZebra code on the backend server. The data from the form will be stored in the backend server’s SQL database, and when it comes time for me to do something with the data stored there, I’ll log in and use apps on the backend, while the front end site hums merrily along.

Enhanced security

With the right setup, this is a more secure approach to managing things like subscriber data, because you can put a lot of controls in place around who access that site than you can on a site that you want anyone and everyone to be able to at least see. And while WordPress is secure when properly configured, it’s safer still if the data isn’t even on the visible site.

We’ll see how this goes–it’s not an immediate priority to have a “twinned” site arrangement, but I can still work on the sorts of simple tools I want, running them for now on PeakZebra.com but eventually migrating the backend stuff to a backend WordPress install.

Is a twin site actually more secure? I think so, but I also think the crux of the question comes down to how secure you think the API calls that the front will make to the back will be. For my money, those can be locked down pretty darned tightly.

You wind up with an arrangement that most attackers won’t have encountered before, with API calls being made from server to server. The attacker will not ordinarily have any way to see the API request data, nor will they be able to see the second server on the net unless they find themselves within a fairly narrow IP address range.

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