Client variation management

A key capability PeakZebra needs to develop moving forward is something that, strangely, doesn’t quite exist in WordPress. The capability: completely manage revision control across entire sites (that is, anything at all that changes on a site) and be able to scale to do it across a large number of sites (several thousand, say).

At the same time, this process has to supply easily grasped context for a developer who knows the product setup but has never worked on a particular site. That developer needs to be confident, when making a change to the site, that the changes won’t break when future changes are made to core elements of the site and that core changes that need to occur to make changes on this particular site won’t break all the other sites using that core code.

What makes it hard is that WordPress isn’t just a bunch of flat PHP files, but instead keeps all sorts of things in the database. From inside the database you can, to some extent, track changes by way of WordPress’s built-in revision tracking. From outside you have a lot of tools for the flat files, but no clean way to track the database. When people talk about version control in WordPress, they are usually only talking about the flat files.

Three options + 1

The easiest way to make total site version control happen–something that agencies routinely do–is just keep dated backups of full sites. But this works largely because any code they write for the site is in version control and everything else is eventually recoverable by returning to a prior backup.

The “backup everything” approach falls down on the need to make changes to a lot of sites reliant on one key set of custom code. It’s not a problem at agencies because there are enough design and functional differences among clients that they are all effectively one-offs, even if they share some custom code here and there.

The “+1” option in the subheader above refers to VersionPress. And I should say that if I understand correctly everything that it covers, VersionPress has executed a full-blown solution to what I need. It’s just that the project leaders keep insisting that it’s not yet ready for production. Be that as it may, I’ll be digging into it because I might be able to find a way to keep it simple, thereby keep it from breaking, and save my self an enormous amount of time trying to find some hacky way to do it myself.

Just the code

Another option is to focus only on version control of the custom code written for the sites.

This works great if everything is somehow reflected in the code, but there are lots of things that don’t magically wind up in code. What if changes to the configurations of third-party plugins are required for proper operation?

Don’t touch core

The approach that WordPress uses is useful here: don’t touch core, only let’s extend that to a second “core”, namely the PeakZebra baseline instance (the site blueprint).

If a change to a site really and truly does have to be made to a site, then either make that change such that it works generically across all instances with whatever changes (a hard thing, frankly, to determine with certainty–lots of testing involved to do it right), or flag it so that the changed code only runs with this particular sort of instance.

This doesn’t handle configuration changes to other plugins, of course, nor does it handle things like changes to application-relevant pages, changes to icons, and so on.

Only change what you can make trackable

The solution PeakZebra is currently trying to keep capable of covering all the bases begins with “don’t touch core”, which seems like absolutely the easiest way to keep an orderly shop.

But we’ve also introduced a “migrate.php” file that borrows a bit of thinking from Ruby on Rails, where you have instructions to migrate from one database configuration to the next.

Here, though, migrate.php is designed to execute any changes you need made that aren’t normally made in code. In particular, before we start using a third-party plugin, we figure out how to capture configuration settings (sometimes as simple as updating regular-old WordPress meta) and use the migrate.php file to overwrite configuration settings to get them the way we need them.

For changes that wind up embedded in posts in one way or another, we use import (run from wp-cli) to bring in a data set (stored in a .WXR file created by exporting from the development system).

Getting it all running in an automated, coordinated way is, to be honest, something we’re still getting ironed out, but it’s really the concept that I’m trying to get at. I hope to provide some concrete examples in future posts.

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